The Pembroke Pines, Florida Business Directory
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Pembroke Pines Business Directory : Add a Premium URL

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For helping to support this directory, we do not limit business listings to Florida businesses only! Any business can be listed here. Please complete your submission by entering your information on the screen that appears after your submission. If you did not wish a 'Premium' listing, please click the 'BACK' button, then click the 'Add URL' link for a normal listing.

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(365 days) $100.00
(300 days) $75.00
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Accountants Air Conditioning Appliances and Equipment Artists and Designers Attorneys Autos Autos Banks Beauty and Cosmetics Blood Banks Bookstores Business Opportunities Chiropractors Churches Cleaners Clinics Computers Contractors Dance Instructors Dentists Employment Agencies Entertainment Financing Fitness Florists Golf Courses Grocers, Food and Pharmacy Home Inspectors Hospitals Hotels Insurance Jewelers Landscaping Locksmiths Manufacturing Mortgage Loans News and Media Optometrists Other Interesting Websites Pest Control Pet Stores Physicians Printers Real Estate Restaurants Schools Services Shopping Telecommunications Veterinarians

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